...like it's the 80's again!

Get yourself some pixels. You know you want it!

get yours here

Streamer's delight

pixelcups are a welcome accessory for video bloggers, streamers, youtubers, coffee shops, offices and individuals with the desire and love for 8bit graphics, vibrant colors and that distinctive cuteness - factor.

buy now!


we have proof - cats like pixelcups too. please beware of fur in your coffee!

buy now!


pretend to be ready for the day while still hanging out in your bed.

buy now!

Feel young again. Or old. It depends.

take me to the store

I bought all of them!

Pixelcups Inventor

The quality and style is just impressive. And my coffee tastes better than before.

Paid Fake Customer

My girlfriend wanted a pixelcup - but I bought the wrong one. Haven't seen her since then.

A Happy Customer